KrakenSDR a 5-RX-channel coherent software defined radio for applications such as radio direction finding and passive radar.
- 1x Fully assembled and tested KrakenSDR
- Note: KrakenSDR does not include the require USB-C power supply and data cable, and does not include application specific antennas.
- Features & Specifications
- Five-channel, coherent-capable RTL-SDR, all clocked to a single local oscillator
- Built-in automatic coherence synchronization hardware
- Automatic coherence synchronization and management via provided Linux software
- 24 MHz to 1766 MHz tuning Range (standard R820T2 RTL-SDR range, and possibly higher with hacked drivers)
- 4.5 V bias tee on each port
- Core DAQ and DSP software is open source and designed to run on a Raspberry Pi 4
- Direction-finding software for Android (free for non-commercial use)
- Custom length-matched antenna set available separately here